Lingk moves your periodic, scheduled integration processes to data-driven events that fit into your business process. Lingk's Event Broker connects real-time data and events with monitoring, analysis, communication, and learning systems.
Here are a few scenarios:
A Lingk real-time recipe is triggered based on a learning event consumed by another HTTP endpoint.
As files are transformed, an error occurs due to a schema change in the file. In real-time, a specific event that is subscribed to by a email notification engine and the bug tracking system is created.
As education data is transformed by the Transformer Engine, events are added to queues for grading, retention, and alerting purposes.
After an event is triggered through the Event Broker, all subscribed endpoints are pushed a JSON payload for the event.
The eventObject property contains the data associated with the event. Lingk has a specific eventObject format for files imported into a Data Repository.